Monday, November 20, 2006

Weekend to Remember

Weekend to Remember - An Experience You'll Never Forget

What a great weekend we had in Louisville, thanks to the thoughtful wedding present from my parents! FamilyLife ministry hosted a great conference called Weekend To Remember which dealt with issues like: achieving oneness in marriage, conflict resolution, communication styles, intimacy, leaving a legacy, etc. Ryan & I realized that in our young marriage we've started to focus on and be critical our differences, rather than celebrating them as we did when we were first dating. Most of the 12 sessions had projects for us as couples to work on alone and then discuss together.
It was an easy way to deal with so many issues that I assume most couples know they "should" talk about, but aren't sure when or how. The conference made it really easy and fun. It's great to have a renewed vision for our marriage and renewed excitement about my unique husband.
We'd recommend it to any couple that wants to enhance and strengthen their marriage. There were couples there married 10 days and some married 38 years! It's got information all wives/husbands can benefit from!
I say plan it to celebrate an anniversary or ask for the registration as a Christmas gift. It's FUN & so encouraging.
Saturday night was free for a "date night" and we had fun at "Maker's Mark Lounge was great-Ryan's steak was better than my pork chops so I "helped" him finish that off! He liked his white cheddar & lobster mashed potatoes and I loved my pecan and pear salad! YUMMY! Fun to get dressed up and go out for a fun night on the town! We popped into a restaurant next door after dinner called the Red Star for a drink and desert before returning to our hotel for the evening.
Saturday marked 9 months since our wedding on Feb. 18! Happy anniversary to us!

Another highlight of the weekend was running into some dear friends from my days in Evansville, Rachel & Eric Rutherford. Eric & Rachel helped Jeff with the college ministry at U of Evansville and were dear friends of ours. I haven't seen them in a while and so it was WONDERFUL to have so much time together!The Rutherfords have recently relocated to Louisville and are excited to welcome their second little girl to their family this spring! It was really fun to spend time together with them over our lunches Sat & Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize what an impact the conference had on your and Ryan's marriage. That makes me very happy.
Had a great time with your kids and an even better time eating chineses food and laugh with you two crazies!