Monday, December 11, 2006

Indy Zoo Date

Saturday night Ryan and I went to dinner at his favorite downtown brewry, The Ram, and then on to the Indianapolis Zoo to see all their lights! We love our zoo pass that lets us pay once and go "free" the rest of the year.
The lights were SO cool! They were in the shapes of giraffes, otters, snakes, eagles, monkies...every animal seemed to be recreated in Christmas lights.
We especially enjoyed watching the polar bears and brown bears at night in this cold weather. They were more active than we used to seeing!
We took a GOOFY trainride around the zoo and listened to an "elf" DJ W-Mas 1225 on the zoo's "Christmas radio"! UGH...we probably would have been very imporessed had we been 4 years old. BUT all in all, it was a fun way to spend the evening together.

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